Phone numbers

Telephone number for your business

In order to enhance your business you can install numbers from 30+ countries without opening an office or hiring staff abroad.

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radio telephone

Do you intend to enhance your business in Europe or Asia, or may be in the USA or Latin America? But you are not ready to open an office yet? In the beginning it is enough to install a virtual foreign telephone number.

Your clients from other countries will see the familiar country code and number and their calls will be charged by local tariffs.

Foreign phone numbers

Number type:
  • icon image– Landline
  • icon image– Nomadic
  • icon image– Mobile
  • icon image– Toll-free
  • icon image– Shared Cost
User location:
  • icon image– Local
  • icon image– National
  • icon image– Worldwide
  • icon image– Buy online
  • icon image– From one business day
Address verification:
  • icon image– Required with proof
  • icon image– Required
  • icon image– Not required

How does it work?

  1. Client from Germany or Austria is calling to your number
  2. Call is forwarded to your Virtual PBX
  3. Your employee, who is answering the call can be located anywhere

Why do you need to buy a telephone numbers worldwide?

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Number is not related to your office equipment

You can receive calls from anywhere without opening an office abroad

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Telephone costs are minimal

The calls are 2-3 times cheaper, than international calls

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Get closer to your international clients

Your clients and partners will call numbers familiar in their home country

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All numbers are available in one virtual PBX

The calls inside the network are free and all foreign numbers are connected to a single cloud-based PBX

Get an easy access to the clients anywhere in the world!

a map of europe
man with phone

Install a number in 15 minutes

  1. Click the "Shop" icon or "Buy now" button
  2. Choose your phone number. Selection available by country, city, category and specific number combinations
  3. Complete the two-step registration process:
    • Step 1. Enter your email and verify it via code sent to the specified address
    • Step 2. Enter your contact phone number and verify it via Password call
  4. Complete the verification process by an identification payment from your corporate bank account or verify yourself via the online identity verification service, if you are private individual
  5. Done! Number is ready for use
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Pricing for outbound calls

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Answers to your questions


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Can't find your country?
Visit for EU (€); or for any other country ($)